katy perry wallpaper 2010

katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry Seventeen Magazine
  • Katy Perry Seventeen Magazine

  • marco114
    Nov 14, 09:38 AM
    What is a Zune? :D :eek:

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. katy perry wallpaper
  • katy perry wallpaper

  • ejfontenot
    Mar 11, 09:58 PM
    Word at best buy Stonebriar was sellout. BUT, they were letting people that would sign up for a credit card skip ahead in the line. This from a guy that was line with me at stonebriar mall while his wife ran over there after apple ran out of 3G models.

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. katy perry wallpaper 2010.
  • katy perry wallpaper 2010.

  • jsw
    Sep 13, 08:53 AM
    My wife's an RN and has both been in a number of anesthetized surgeries and has had some herself.

    Most patients do just fine - as described above. Redheads are a bit more sensitive to anesthesia (not sure why, but apparently it's true), but that isn't an issue unless your anesthesiologist is color-blind. ;)

    Some people - including my wife - are prone to a bit of nausea afterwards, but it's usually short-lived and it isn't an issue with most people. One thing that helps is to pay strict attention to the fasting/drinking instructions they'll give you beforehand. That cookie might seem like nothing when you're hungry before you go in, but you'll regret it upon waking up.

    Also, depending on the anesthesia and your particular reaction to it, you'll almost undoubtedly have some period - a few seconds to an hour or so - of time where you are lucid but don't have functional short-term memory... meaning you might say naughty things to your neurosurgeon but then will have no idea why he's looking at you like that later on.... ;)

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry Wallpaper
  • Katy Perry Wallpaper

  • MacPhilosopher
    Apr 16, 04:40 PM
    Haha, exactly what I was thinking.

    Sometimes, the app store restrictions are a bit ridiculous, and when Apple realizes that they're dealing with people who know what they're doing, they remove those restrictions quickly.

    What they really need, though, is the ability to recognize items of merit before turning them down. It reminds me of how ridiculous zero tolerance rules are on school campuses. Expelling students for "weapons" that are not really weapons i.e. finger nail clippers, etc. Rules and filters are fine when not implemented in a manner that lacks common sense. However, it comes with the territory now that Apple is in the media distribution game. To enter such and arena, one accepts the inherent danger of becoming a censor. To be completely open to all content would be an irresponsible business decision in terms of PR. Tighten up your filter a little to much and you land on the other end of negative PR. Apple will be adjusting its policies towards content for years and never find a perfectly safe position.


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry : Goodbye for Now
  • Katy Perry : Goodbye for Now

  • maflynn
    May 5, 11:34 AM
    The microsoft usability tax costs even more, in wasted time and low productivity.

    Patently false. windows 7 is as stable as OSX is and Microsoft Office is the standard for the office suite. Enterprises don't select office and windows because its so unstable, but the opposite.

    Oh and it falsely compares the fast MacBook Air to snail netbooks.
    Not all that was being shown was netbooks.

    WRONG. OS X is worth its value.

    Good luck getting magsafe and other Apple exclusive features on a PC.
    worth is subjective. Why would I want an apple feature on a PC :confused: I'm not searching for apple features on PCs because I'm looking for a PC not a mac

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry, Christina Aguilera
  • Katy Perry, Christina Aguilera

  • Haberdasher
    Sep 13, 06:29 AM
    If Intel comes out with a sub 3000 dollar machine with 4.7 Ghz, I'm sorry Apple, but you had better get something better than what you have.

    I'm not going to be a customer of a company that charges just as much for 1/4 of their competitors product.

    Go ahead and flame me...I know that the Mhz of the G4 and P4 don't match up in performance, but there's too big of a speed gap for there to be any doubt in my mind of which is faster.


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Nerd Katy @ the 2010 Teen
  • Nerd Katy @ the 2010 Teen

  • bocomo
    Apr 5, 09:13 AM
    CR is, IMO, the best starting point to find out if a product is reliable or has a known defect. From there, I expand my research with more detailed reviews.


    CR can be useful but certainly shouldn't be the end of your research. my parents and some friends of theirs bought vizio tvs based on CR alone and the tvs have really crappy picture quality. maybe they scored highly in reliability or something...

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry Wallpaper w.writing
  • Katy Perry Wallpaper w.writing

  • MattSepeta
    Mar 5, 02:57 PM
    What do you think?


    NOOOOOOO. Might as well selective color the barney doll too :p

    I've posted this before on the pic of the day thread but it is one of my favorite "contrast" shots to date.


    Love it! My only qualm is how dark it is. If it had some more "pop" and was brightened up a bit I would be even more in love! Did you have lights inside that place?


    Used some off camera flash to create contrast between the falling snow and the rest of the scene. Totally forgot to CTO gel it but oh well! Even more contrast now!


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry
  • Katy Perry

  • PowerFullMac
    Oct 25, 10:56 AM
    I'll be there, either at five-ish or four. Are there going to be more than five hundred people queuing before opening? Given the number of online orders, I don't know...

    Synchro, I was there too! Got there about 5:45am thanks to the reliability of this country's transport system when no-one's using it (:P) and the queue was mind-bogglingly huge then. I got a t-shirt then, though! :D

    I need to pick up not one, but two (honesty to the extreme) Leopard family packs � does anyone think Apple will take pity on me and give me two shirts (one for the person I'm buying a family pack for)?

    What did the t-shirt say? I got one that says :apple: Staff :D:D:D

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry Wallpaper
  • Katy Perry Wallpaper

  • Westside guy
    Oct 26, 01:39 PM
    I really hope I'm wrong, but this is pretty much what I was afraid of - vendors dropping PPC support quite soon after the Intel transition was complete. I know Apple will stick with universal binaries for the forseeable future; but there are no guarantees with any other vendors.

    Of course I can see the other side of this. Writing universal apps is not just a matter of "checking a box" in XCode; despite what I've heard some non-coders say on the subject.

    Let's hope this really is a one-off, and Adobe just did this because it's a new app that wouldn't gain a foothold with the existing PPC crowd. But given their history (or at least the history of their public comments), I wouldn't bank on it.


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry Seventeen Magazine
  • Katy Perry Seventeen Magazine

  • rumorsdan
    Apr 4, 03:35 AM
    ah ok...:o


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry Q Magazine UK
  • Katy Perry Q Magazine UK

  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 25, 09:59 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?
    A better question is how many people at Photokina care about Aperture, and that number must surely be quite high.


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. katy perry wallpaper
  • katy perry wallpaper

  • mrblah
    Aug 14, 08:43 PM
    The only people who like these ads are mac users. They make the zealots feel special and supperior which might have been the whole point. As said before, you never get customers by making fun of them. These ads only alienate POTENTIAL customers, thats not a success and its not brilliant. So far apple users are the only ones defending these ads as representing products rather than the people who use the products. If everyone else doesnt see it the same way then the ad is a failure no matter how much people argue, once the target audience misses the point then youve lost. Youll get absolutely nowhere asking "are these ads elistist?" on a mac forum, go ask it on a forum with a high number of PC users and Im sure the responses will be 100% different. Computers arent cheap, if you make fun of someone who spent a lot of money on something, something they probably like a lot, youll just make them defend themselves if you act like they made a stupid decision. I mean jeez, how is that not common sense?

    While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.

    The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Sexy Wallpapers of Katy Perry
  • Sexy Wallpapers of Katy Perry

  • Digitalclips
    Sep 1, 06:13 AM
    they don't lose the secret features due to NDAs.

    Just asking the experts ...

    Is it possible Apple could release the final version with the option to initialize a drive with ZFS prior to install? Everything I have read about ZFS seems to point to it as a next logical step for Apple's OS.


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. katy perry wallpapers. katy
  • katy perry wallpapers. katy

  • Fuzzy14
    Dec 21, 05:27 PM
    Joe has still sold 450,000 records, which is phenomenal.

    Interesting to note that a typical Christmas number 1 would sell 200-250,000 copies. So this hype has helped shift another 200,000 copies of the X-factor song. Even when they lose, they win.

    ALEXANDRA BURKE, JLS and LEONA LEWIS have all come from X Factor and sold millions.

    What about the other saps who have won these 'talent' contests, used by the industry then disappeared into obscurity? Steve Brookstein anyone?

    Rage Against The Machine couldn't fill Wembley now. I think Joe will.


    (note the above isn't a rant at immy85, he was quoting Louis Walsh)

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. 5:Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
  • 5:Katy Perry - Teenage Dream

  • Frisco
    Sep 26, 07:48 AM
    CBS is now using the term NetCast (http://www.cbs.com/netcast/)

    Goodbye free advertising for the iPod!


    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Desktop Wallpaper - Katy Perry
  • Desktop Wallpaper - Katy Perry

  • whooleytoo
    Sep 26, 10:57 AM
    It seems to me that Apple are the good guys here for once, slapping down a company that is trying to trademark terms that are already in use albeit in a niche market!

    Personally, I can't see how Apple could be seen to be the good guys in this case, given they're sending cease-and-desist letters to people using 'pod' (not "iPod") in their product names.

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy perry is woman of the year 2010 | wallpaper and picture
  • Katy perry is woman of the year 2010 | wallpaper and picture

  • mrfoof82
    Jun 18, 06:30 PM
    Is Apple thinking that SD cards are going to become the new "floppies"?

    Plus while rewriteable CDs exist, they are pricey and most people don't use them.

    Re-writable optical media was only useful when the price of non-rewritable media was still non-trivial. When the cost of an optical disc is $0.10 in bulk at retail, people stopped caring considering how long it took to "erase" the disc for re-use.

    I'd say around 2003 or 2004 is when I had long stopped caring about re-writable optical media. Especially considering that photo-reactive dye was prone to degrading over time, rendering the data unreadable.

    The main issue with SD and most removable media is still transfer rate and access time. Although you *can* boot off of it, most mobile hard disks still handily trounce SD media. Granted, I'd expect SD and other removable flash memory to pass all spinning rust in due time.

    katy perry wallpaper 2010. Katy Perry 2010 Wallpaper for
  • Katy Perry 2010 Wallpaper for

  • big
    Sep 13, 10:25 PM
    the double post is appreciated, that was the first time I have chuckled all day....

    Aug 19, 12:19 PM
    You need the app to use places....

    Well now I just feel stupid. . . .

    Apr 3, 04:03 PM
    I think if it's trying to define a new category it will fail.
    Well, Pages for NEXTSTEP failed, so it already has a history of that. But that doesn't negate the fact that a number of new categories are needed to fill in the gaps left by the current line of specialty apps.

    But a more important question is... Do you want it to fail? And is this because you don't see this need from your point of view? Or that you can't comprehend a new category?

    Why, in your opinion, is it going to fail?

    People won't really know what to do with it and won't understand why they need it. It's important to provide a comparison so that people can understand what they can do with the app.
    Why is a comparison needed? Are people unable to understand a description?

    When you compare it to PageMaker, that doesn't help the people who it is aimed at. They know nothing of PageMaker. The comparison is meaningless to them. Why do you think Apple has been pushing it more along the lines of a word processor? Because it is aimed at people who want something more than a word processor but have no clue about PageMaker, InDesign or QuarkXPress.

    And by making a comparison you are setting up the other app as the yard stick...

    I'm just saying give Pages a chance to find it's own place.

    Jun 19, 03:28 AM
    Does nobody realise that you have to support the exFAT format (from Microsoft, currently NOT supported on OS X, and has to be licensed by Microsoft) to be able to use more than 32 GB? (or the up to 2 TB). Otherwise if you format it with the old formats you are stuck on the same limits as you would with ad SDHC card.

    The way I see it, it's just the controller which supports SDXC, but the OS doesn't as of now. So nothing to really be happy about for the moment except that you have technology on board you can't take advantage on.

    Nov 21, 04:53 PM
    I find these comments about the website interesting...I guess we care more about a flashy site than a site that just provides the information on what they do in a simple effective way....

    I take it that they are spending their money on developing the chip and not on web design. :p

    In the business world, you need to be able to make a good impression. If you have a flashy website and nothing behind it, you're going nowhere. If you have good substance but poor presentation of it, you can still succeed, but it can be a lot harder than if you've got it presented well.

    Sitting down for an hour with GoLive would provide them with a much better front door to the world. Starting a tech company is hard, but it's easier if you excel in all areas of your business. And yes, publicity is one of those areas.

    May 2, 03:22 PM
    Now, are the lines slanted or straight?

    Image (http://coolrain44.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/optical-illusions.png)

    The White vs Black iPhone could be an optical illusion, it depends on angle.

    haha nice

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